Through the recognition of seminal connections between organs, bodies, sexes, species and ecosystems, I’m urged to reshape the mythologies that dwell our collective psyche. On behalf of an ideal future, through a queer narrative, and with a tropical sensibility, I’m working to decolonize the cultural identity that sustains our fragmented society and to redefine the mediums that we use to materialize art.
My art is tropical as it doesn’t intend to expand the physical world but to carve itself into it. It celebrates sexuality, looks for material and conceptual diversity, and exists due to the inter-connectivity of the immaterial world as a non-object.
Envisioning interconnections between landscapes, bodies, sexes, species, symbols and mythologies, these paintings are places of encounter where I aim images to redirect their own trajectory, reinventing the world they are depicting, extending the narrative of the histories they are telling, dissolving the genders suggested by their forms, proving the existence of new sexes.
Aurora, goddess of the dawn embodies a sexual organ that likely has emerged from a dessert field as being witnessed by a rainbow heaven. A colon like cornucopia is delicately weaved with red fibers of tenderness and desire, and it patiently awaits to be opened. A male organ is crowned with a golden leaf trident as a penetrating bamboo sprout that quickly grows when needed. This trident is not sharp and hard but soft and curved. A mixed-race-pale-skin foot is on the run, headed next to a fertile ground where to keep spreading. Colorful leaves crown its veins, plant and human live as one as multicolored chlorophyll runs through it. An iridescent armor is shaped after a hummingbird. It’s penetrating beak is thin and firm, and its human shaped center is a hole. It’s an armor for a body we don’t see.
Within this jungle of images, a sense of queer divinity emerges, a tropical manifesto is conjured up and a political statement is implicit. Non religious sacred figures are depicted, nation-less territories are claimed and represented, and the body of the artist is present as a devoted citizen.
In order to rethink the archetypes that structure our world, these works are formal demonstrations of powerful immaterial connections capable of transforming the future. Bringing together a wide array of materials, my work juxtaposes images and its own symbolic elements: colors, forms, volumes, textures, abstractions, and representations, all of them intertwined in order to shed light into meaningful connections. Facts, fantasies and other unrecognized elements can be traced within using the dynamism and the lushness that surrounds a tropical sensibility.